Elegant Fairy Tale is a floribunda rose developed by Kordes and it boasts large, fully double blooms in a soft pink color with a light fragrance. The blooms are ruffled and have a high petal count, giving them a full and showy appearance. The foliage is dark green and glossy and the plant is known for its disease resistance and repeat blooming habit. It’s perfect for creating a romantic and nostalgic ambiance in the garden and also for cutting and using in floral arrangements. This rose is a great choice for gardeners who want to add a touch of elegance and romance to their garden.
Rose Type | Floribunda |
Color | Light Pink |
Petal Count | 40+ petals |
Height / Habit | 5′ x 3′,tall shrub |
Fragrance | Light |
Disease Resistance | Great |
Hardiness | 5-9 |
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